Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Returning With Honor

Elder Wilson has completed his mission in London, England and will be returning home July 15th Woo Hoo!!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17th 2013

Hey Mom and Rick
Yes we did get to see Elder Ballard, it was a really good meeting and we had both Missions there. London and London South. (430 missionaries) It was really cool to be there. I led the music which was great to hear everyone sing and I stood right next to Elder Ballard. He talked alot about the spirit and how important it is in teaching. We even got to ask him some questions about how to become better and it was a great help. Okay so for this whole school thing. I had a counsellor and I spoke to her months before I was leaving to ask her about this I asked her do I need to fill forms out or do something to tell them I am leaving. She said no and I left it at that, I didn't have any knowledge of having to tell them. I just assumed that I would have to re-audition into the school of music to get back in. I do not know. I am a bit hesitant about just jumping right into school. I have nothing to start with. Most importantly I need to save up and purchase a new laptop ( the old one died about 3 months before I left) and find a car. The bank teller job would be just fine I would be perfectly okay with that and I would love to live with Grandma in the extra room. I could pay her off by  doing the garden (yardwork) and cleaning the pool or anything else she would like me to do. If I can I will get my own food and whatnot. I feel like a semester to work and to get in shape for playing would be ideal however it is a long time. But it might be best so I can get organized and get some money. This week has been okay, today has been really good. I have been sitting here emailing and guess who walks up. Andy! So he said he's been meaning to call us today. He might have us back over soon, they're just absolutely stressed with the whole move that's why they haven't met with us. We will hopefully see them when everything slows down for them. So for the most part those are my thoughts today, sorry I don't have a lot of time. I don't have much of it to go around these days. Make sure Rick brings a pair of his work cloths when he comes, we are going to go up and visit a great family here in Kent who want to meet him. They breed horses and she does natural horsemanship. So just in case. He'll get to see the way the English do things. Anyways I must run I will talk to you later.
I love you guys
Elder Wilson

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 27th 2013

No worries Misty. What's really funny is a member of our ward asked if I had seen this funny youtube clip of how animals eat their food. I laughed and said no but when I get home I guess I really have to. I heard of Airworx it sounds really fun and I love how cooper will quote dodgeball. HAha Steve the Pirate. And Ben Stiller playing a masterful role as the freak gym boss. So this week was really great. Andy and his family are doing really well. Andy quite smoking this week. Cold Turkey! After we left monday night he just decided it is time to quit. He hasn't had one since. From 40 a day to 0. He's also going in for a big shoulder operation tomorrow. He's been waiting a year for this operation. It happened when he was in the military and he blew out his shoulder coming out of a plane. So that's a bit stressful for him but he'll be alright. We'll see him in a full body cast at the end of the week. On a lighter note. My favorite meal this week was Nandos Piri Piri Chicken. It's a restaurant and it was delicious, we had it last P-day and enjoyed the extra hot half chicken. Some scriptures that stuck out in my mind this week was D&C 89:18-21 because of Andy and what he is doing. As well as Moroni 7:48. The Atonement works because of Charity. I'll Let you ponder that one a bit. Well I must run and write to President. Now I want you to do some thing as well.
Answer these two questions you asked me! :)
With Love
Elder Wilson
P.s. Talk to you in 13 days

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 22 2013

Hello Misty and Everyone,

Much to my dismay I cannot watch it. Why tempt ye me sister. That's okay I will have to watch it at a future date. The Craziest person I met this week, The Shaw family. It's a long story but this family are an inactive family and they are absolutley insane. Neither the mom nor the dad are working (in this country they give you benefits for nothing) so they just sponge off the government and they have 6 children (all of whom have one problem or another). Their house was a pigstie and just being there for 45 minutes made me hate life. Don't take it as sad... you can laugh. It is just self inflicted, they aren't happy because they do nothing but watch telly all day and get on the internet. Eat gross food and yell at their kids. Now they are so down at the bottom of the spiral getting out of it will take more willpower to do the right thing than they have at the moment. And they are the tip of the iceberg that is the Dol of England. (Dol is the benefits) For example if your 17 and pregnant they will give you a house and money each month to live. Whoever thought that was a good idea had another thing coming. Anyways. Ah the Mesa Swap meet I miss that place. What a quality establishment of all the goods you could possibly want. We have a place like that here it's called Camden town. The things they swap are usually just faddish things though. It's a funny place I should take pictures of it if I ever get back to London Again. Yes Crazy thought that Cooper is going to be 7. Tell Him I say happy birthday and be sure to join me in my quarters for some birthday toast. Give Riley a squeeze for me as well. This week has been a pretty good week for us as well. We met a really nice lady out in the middle of nowhere. In England there are all these little villages tucked away and so we were there for a dinner appointment and we tracted since we were early and we met this lady and she said to come back next week. We did and we invited the member along. (Counsellor in the Stake presidency really cool guy) and had a great lesson with her. She has 6 children and use to go to church but because of the way the church was run she stopped going. We have another appointment with her this coming friday. Elder Lingam and I are having a wonderful time here in Ashford and we are looking forward to these next 6 weeks. Well I love you guys and hope you are well.

Hope the Birthday is fun

With Love

Elder Wilson

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8 2013

Hey Mom and Rick

Sorry about the Card. My white shirts have began to deteriorate finally after two years of use. I got a few new ones. (and I'm saving 2 for coming home) and I got shoes that will be for my last month and when I get home. I forgot to tell you that. These shirts from JCpenny were really good. The van heusen ones wore out the first year but these four stafford shirts have lasted me nearly all two years. I also had to pay for a train ticket about 2 weeks ago. I will get reimbursed for it this week.

Conference was great this weekend. We really enjoyed it here and loved Priesthood session it was a really good experience and the First Presidency had great talks that they gave us. And we haven't seen the Sunday Afternoon yet. we will hopefully today. I write emails to Luis which have been really good and I am going to write one to him today. Don't worry about sending me mail or a package. Just send one to him he needs it more than I do and it's cheaper to send it to him anyways. He is doing fantastic otherwise though he has really enjoyed his mission. He is such a hard worker, I have no doubt he has grown dramatically over his mission. We are teaching this amazing family here in Ashford. Andy and Sue and their two boys. They are a great family that were being taught by the missionaries but the missionaries were a bit too hardcore with them. So they kinda became uninterested but then Elder lingam and I went back and they love us! And they are absolutely fantastic. Andy is ex-military due to injury and he just had surgery on Thursday then he stepped on a nail that went through his foot on Saturday and still came to General Conference. He is such a great guy and we are teaching them tonight. He has already read all the way through 1st Nephi and on to 2nd Nephi. I will keep you posted on everything with them. they are absolutely great. We are coming to the end of this transfer and I will keep you posted on if I move or not. Most likely what will happen is Elder Lingam and I will stay together here in Ashford and I will finish my final transfer here as well. Thank you so much for all you do for me. I really am thankful to have parents like you two. I look forward to talking to you in just a few weeks time.

With Love

Elder Wilson

Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25 2013

Hey everybody
I am sorry it has been difficult to write and I have been running around all week. We have been super busy here in Ashford. It has been so much fun and we have had great success here and we have Jumped in and pushed ourselves as far and as best as we can. We have definately seen the blessings come from pushing myself. I think that is really the only thing that heavenly father wants us to do is just do our best all stretch all the time. It has certainly tired me out and I have been a bit under the weather. (feeling poorly as they say) But overall I am happy and me and Elder Lingam are having a fantastic time working hard to improve our area and to improve our zone. We have had some great success and I see a big difference in this zone from the first time I was here a year and a half ago.

Sounds like you and Rick are having a great time in Austrailia. Sounds Like such a fun time. It's Autumn down there how strange. I am enjoying it here how is everyone there. Are you all enjoying the nice weather. It snowed here!? What in the world!? So hopefully it'll warm up. Other than that things are great. My cloths are holding up. I've had to sew my trousers a few times in a few places but they are doing great. I am looking around for my last pair of shoes. I will let you know how that goes. Other than that Cloths are fine they are all holding up. Well I have to run and report numbers to president so I hope you have a fantastic week and all goes well.

With love

Elder Wilson

Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25, 2013

Hey Everyone,
Crazy things have been going on nevertheless this week has been a fantastic week. I am in love with Stevenage. (My new area) And My companion is Elder Carder (From Wales) He is a funny British man. We served around each other at the beginning of his mission last year. (he makes me feel really old) So I went up to the top floor of the chapel which is the mission office to speak to President and he assigned me to Stevenage which he told me the night before but what he didn't tell me was that I was going to have Elder Carder as a companion which was a great relief because elder carder is great. Elder Carder got the call that morning and he drove the two hours down to London and we made the switch of phones with the other elders. So then Elder Carder asks me, how long have you been in Stevenage. I look at him with amazement and said "as long as you have". We have whitewashed the area. Neither of us have ever been here. It has been great and we have been working so hard. Elder Carder is the first missionary I could share the load with since last July with Elder Tobia. So it has been amazing.
Something that made me laugh this week was my Companion's British Humor I can't handle it sometime. I will have to film it so you can have a laugh as well. So good example before we went to the Chapel we felt prompted to knock on a door. As we approach the door and knocked he looked at me and said, "if it's a pretty girl will you do it?" when the door opened a lady with.........inner beauty (to put it positively) Opened. Elder carder said "well guess this one's mine." The lady wasn't interested and I couldn't hold my laughter as we got to the chapel. He was stoic in his appearance.
Something that made me think this week was Do people in the Terrestrial and Telestial Kingdom continue to commit sin? This was asked by a 15 year old we are teaching (very smart). came to the conclusion That no they can't.
Anyways I really have to run to an appointment
Love YOU
Elder Wilson

February 17, 2013

Hello Everybody,
So Valentines day was just like any other day which I don't mind too much. I kinda forgot that it was actually. Then I saw all the people standing outside Tube Stations with Balloons shaped like hearts and Roses. Oh well. So my address is the mission home address just send stuff there I will get it when I come into the office. Bad News I am being emergency transferred. I am going to Stevenage (outside of london :( Not too excited about it because I just sort of got to know this place and the members. But it wasn't meant to be I am being sent back out. No worries though I'm not too far and I might move in another 3 weeks so we'll see when it happens. Thank you for the Journal prompts I really can't think of anything to write especially since I am moving and this place has been slowly starting to pick up a bit.
One thing I saw this week was The outside of the Royal Albert Hall which is right next to the chapel and I walked around it and thought ( I want to perform there someday)
One Thing I heard this week was the things you hear people speak in London. Not English. They Speak Portugese French German Hindi Tamil Arabic Urouba ebo zulu polish russian latvian Mandarin Chinese japanese and about 40 other languages.
One Thing I have smelled this week was a Multi Stake youth dance HAHA So basically the masking of sweat caused by dancing in a non air conditioned building with cheap cologne/perfume. Oh the chosen generation, how they make our nose hairs burn.
One Thing that I have tasted this week was Ben's Cookies. A warm gooey chocolate chip cookie from the master chefs at Ben's. I treated myself to something real nice. And I hope to do so in Celebration again sometime.
One Thing I touched this week was The Scars of The Victoria Albert Museum. Caused by the bombings of World War II the damage can still be seen on the museum and it reminds those of us who live now, that it has been given to us by those who fought then.
I will let you know if anything exciting and great happens as I go to my new area. I Need to send you my memory Card or cards. So that way I can use up another full card before I finish. I hope that you are all feeling better and that things are going well for you. Remember I will speak to you on mother's day in Three months and then it will be an month and a half and you'll see me again.
With Love
Elder Wilson

Saturday, February 2, 2013

January 28, 2013

Hey Misty and Family
That is great that Dad came down to visit. Man I wish Dad took us shopping. Reminds me of Bill Cosby. "Money for the Children....well five children came out of nowhere shhooom. I asked my father for a nickel for the school picnic he would tell me his life story of how he ate dirt for thirty years and he was thankful to eat that dirt." Anyways. That is great that the Kids and Dad had a great time. This week has been my first week in my new area Hyde Park. We have a lot of work to do to get this place going. It has been very difficult leaving London North, I loved that place and didn't really want to go. So I have been a bit distraught but nonetheless this place is great as well. We are doing a lot of Finding to find new investigators so hopefully we will be teaching a lot soon. Not much else is going on for us here. It is great to hear from you and keep me posted. I am living with another missionary companionship. The portugese speakers and one of them is from Mexico. HA Man so many Nacho Quotes flying around. "Don't you wanna little taste of da glory see what it tastes like. I don't believe in God I believe in Science. They think I don't know a butt load of crap about the gospel but I DO!." Okay I'm done now. Take care With Love
Elder Wilson

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 12, 2012

Hey Guys,
Yes the flat is all sorted and we are doing very well here in North London. I sent my SD card a while back, about six months ago it is black and its about 6gb. I hope you got it. It had all my pictures from Ilford (My second area) and I am in my 4th area now. Let me know. Thats cool that Kyley and Julie came over. I wonder where they went. I'm not sure If I could see them but I don't know If I would be able to handle it, I would probably get homesick and it would be hard for a week or two. It's okay I have waited this long, I can wait another 8 months. We met a lady who came to church for the first time last week. Her name is Mojgan (she's from Iran) and She wants to learn more about the gospel and about the church. We met her this week to get to know her and find out more about her. She is here in England with her daughter who is studying. We can't teach her unless she is seeking residence outside of her country because it would be dangerous for her to know the truth and be baptised because of the anti christian feelings there. So we asked her where she plans on going after England and she said america. We asked her where and she said Utah. We were astonished and asked why, she said she has family there (we later found out one of her in laws is a member) and She said there is a big church a really big building she wants to go to. We explained that it is the temple and taught her. We then taught her about modern day prophets. She was so amazed at a modern day prophet and she was so excited and just wanted to learn more. She is a great lady and I hope we can teach her and help her gain a testimony. I just hope that we can explain to her about her country situation and what would happen. We will speak to her about it tomorrow and explain. But the work here is going very well. It is so great to know how amazing the gospel is, remember as you share it think about it, we actually have a prophet of god on earth today and we actually have the original church of Jesus Christ on the earth today as well. We don't really know what we have, until we share it with someone else. Keep being amazing.
With Love
Elder Wilson

P.S. Mock....Yeah..Bird....YEah

Packages from Home!

Tour of the Flat/Attic

Driving with the Elders

Driving with the Elders Pt2

Driving with the Elders Pt3

Creepy Laugh