Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 28th

Hello everyone!
It has started to finally warm up here in England and it's about time.
I got sick as well because of the drastic change in weather. But we
have been working hard nonetheless. Here in Bury we are starting fresh
and really trying to work hard and find new people. We are working
with some less actives as well. I have had a real Eye opener because
of it as well. there are two basic principles of a testimony that if
you do not have them nothing else is more important that obtaining a
knowledge of these two things.
1. A belief in God, who he is and his character, and that he Answers prayers
2. A knowledge that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.
If you have these two things then everything else falls into place.
You know the Bible is the word of God because they Both teach the same thing.
You know that Jesus Christ is your Savior and Redeemer and that by his
Grace you can Return and Live with God.
You know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and that this Church is true.
I have seen the effects of people who never gained a testimony of
these things but just went through church life and the temple and
sooner or later they begin to live the gospel because they don't want
to let other people down and sooner or later it all falls apart and I
have seen people who then completly turn away from belief and take
their name of the records. It is really sad because they went through
the temple and all the blessings of the gospel were theirs. But
without that strong foundation it became doubts and fears and then
relying on their own knowledge of the world and science and complete
disbelief that God is there or that there is life after death.
Strengthen your testimonies through prayer and relying on God. He will
halp you to know or remember that he is there and he loves you and
that the Book of Mormon and the Bible are the word of God. Nothing
else will matter untill you strengthen your testimony of those things.
Sorry for the sermon. I am doing very well and I love the people here
in Bury. They are all so nice and friendly. Much much more than
London. They say the further North you go the friendlier the people
get. I don't mind that at all and I am enjoying it.
Elder Wilson

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22, 2012

Hey Misty and Everybody
I have my new address:
16 Durham Close
Bury St. Edmunds
Suffolk IP32 6TH
So I am doing really well here with E. Mahendran, he is from Germany
but his family is originally Sri Lankan (Southern Island off of India)
and he is really good. Now I am Senior companion which is a bit
stressful but I am doing well and not stressing out too much. I will
send you the SD card this week so you will have pictures and videos of
Ilford and the last bit of G2 (sorry it's taken so long). We are only
teaching one person right now so we are starting fresh and doing a lot
of finding (nothing new there) but Bury is a really nice place. It's
full of such nice people and very few are rude they are very kind even
when they aren't interested. I am working hard and doing everything I
can to be a good missionary. The weather has been a bit cold but today
is warm and it should be warming up for the rest of the week. I don't
have too much time today but I will email you next week and let you
know some of the things happening here and Inform you a little bit
more. This is my Year transfer and I cannot believe it has been a year
already and it is supposed to go faster these next months, I got to do
as much as I can while there is still time. Keep me posted on
everything that is going on with you guys.
Love you all
Elder Wilson

A Note from Newt's Mom:
He has only been there less than a week but says he is already having some amazing experiences.
He is close to the US Military base so the members there feed them really well and give them American food they don't usually get. So he's pretty excited about his new area.
He also says he needs new running shoes...he's gaining weight. Imagine Newt gaining weight?
I'm sure he would appreciate cards or letters.

Packages from Home!

Tour of the Flat/Attic

Driving with the Elders

Driving with the Elders Pt2

Driving with the Elders Pt3

Creepy Laugh