Monday, August 29, 2011

Cold and Sick

This week I got really sick with a bad fever that lasted about 4 days and a nasty headache and sinus congestion and swollen glands for about 4 days as well. It was not fun at all I still went to appointments but finding was cruddy. I couldn't go outside too much but what can you do. I will be doing work overs this week! yay! This means that I switch companions for a day. I will be switching with our zone leaders and I will be with Elder Hinckley for a day. Yes Elder Hinckley is President Hinckley's great nephew so AWESOME! Hes a really cool Guy and I shall send you pictures of my first transfer very soon. This transfer is finishing and I might be moving to a new area so do not send me anything after september 5th until I say that I will be staying. Even then I will have a new address this next transfer so I will let you guys know because the Sittingbourne flat will be changed. It is getting quite cold here Its below 70 most of the time and I need to start getting sweaters and a really good coat because I might turn into a Popsicle this winter. I hope that everything is well with everyone, please email me everybody I really appreciate them they make me feel invigorated haha.
I miss you guys and love you very much,
Elder Wilson

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Newt Needs Addresses

If you haven't done so yet-PLEASE email Newt your address so he can write you. He has a limited amount of time to be on the computer on his P-days and reads everyone's emails but doesn't have enough time to reply to them all, he would love to physically mail people letters. So please email Newt your address!!
Also, is not as effective (like it was in Provo) as just emailing him at the address above, he will not receive it same day.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Rejection of the Week

Hey Misty how are you!
Im doing really good over here I just haven't gotten the package yet. :(
But it should be here this week I hope. This week was a little monotonous but it was good.
We went into london for Zone Conference on Wednesday and It was pretty awesome.
President Patch Spoke to us and we got to have a small training session which was awesome. It was all about listening to the spirit
and asking inspired questions. And when we did listen and just kinda wait for the right things to say the spirit would come in like
opening a flood gate it was pretty sweet. We then had to head back down to Sittingbourne, Kent and finish our week out with the usual.
I think something that will be funny to put on the blog is a rejection of the week or something. When we go street contacting we get some really funny
excuses and some wierd people.
So this weeks Rejection is.....(Man with headphones listening to music) Me:"Excuse me sir how are you today- Headphone man: "Sorry mate I can't hear you"
HAHA sheesh is that the best you got. Next time I see him or someone listening to headphones Im gonna go " LOOK OUT THERE'S SOMETHING IN YOUR EAR".
I love the look of people's faces when you start talking to them. It's a face of pure astonishment and it looks hilarious sometimes because it'll change to a repulsive look when they see the nametag. When they say they aren't interested we have to ask them questions like why not or something along the lines of that which will hopefully get them talking. Most of the time they say "I just don't believe" or something in the matter of I just don't. I gotta find a good comeback question to that cause that excuse drives me nuts sometimes. Hahahaha but life is good and I can't wait for my package.
And I hope the Calls email me and I hope AARON will tell me where he is going.
Tyler and Bryce: how is band? has he drove you nuts yet?
Lance and Lori: How are Tyler and Bryce? Have they Drove you nuts yet?
Jennifer: How are you doing. Hows your bro doing? What are the scores perhaps
Aaron::OISHGORHJPJFASPAOJSOHPJAOJFOHSOH and tell people to email or write me cause I don't have a whole lot of addresses. And hows the colliseum
Anyways hope all is well for you all
Love you!!!
Elder Wilson

Monday, August 15, 2011

Great Progress

Hello Everybody!!
I am glad that you are all writing me and I really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you!
England is great and I have been very busy this week. Last week was very hard and a little discouraging but continuing to work hard is the key to the work. There's and awesome quote by a world famous swimmer and the key to his success was "I stroke when I don't want to stroke, I kick when I don't want to kick. As me and elder giusti have done just that we received enormous blessings. We had 2 investigators last week and this week we now have 7 solid investigators and even a baptismal date. WOOT!!! We have been blessed with meeting those that Heavenly father has prepared for us and we proved ourselves worthy of such a blessing by working hard. I LOVE This place, I end every day with a smile and happiness in my heart. We are teaching a lovely couple who want to get married but don't have a whole lot of money because they are in school and we are going to offer, next time we see them, an opportunity to have a marriage in the chapel and its Free!!!! They have a conditional baptism and they are such a great couple. We have met at least 4 new potential investigators in the last two days and they are GOLDEN! I am so happy and excited to teach and I love the people that I talk to. I think that these past two weeks has been like Adam and Eve in the Garden and being cast out of the garden. We had to know unhappiness or Unsuccessfulness in order to know what happiness was and it is awesome. Thank you soo much for the package, I haven't received it yet but I can't wait to get some peanut butter and goodies! Thank you for all that you guys are doing for me I love you all. Its getting cold here its about 22 degrees C here in midday which is about 70's and it goes down to low 60's at night and Its lovely! Some of the people are very nice and some are not so much but me and Elder Giusti just laugh about it. 

I love you all and thank you for all the wonderful letters and encouragement I love letters please encourage others to write me and see the blog.
Elder Wilson

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2nd Letter from England

England is pretty cool I just had my first P-day and we went and saw the canterbury cathedral it was pretty awesome to see it and to see all the history and medieval architecture and artifacts. We all went as a zone to Canterbury, me and Elder Giusti are here in Sittingborne and Kemsley area. It's an okay area its got some nice people in the ward. Sunday was a great experience and there's only about 100 active members in the ward. It was much different from home but the people were very nice and testimony meeting was awesome. The pulpit wasn't empty for more than 10 seconds before someone would get up. Bishop had me start the testimonies and I liked introducing myself to everyone. It was a great experience, we've been meeting with a couple who were just recently converted. Bryan and Carrol. They are so nice and we love visiting them. Bryan bore his testimony and mentioned us as missionaries and he is an awesome guy. He likes to tease Elder Giusti by calling him a different name all the time. Even at the pulpit he called him elder ashty and Elder Giusti and I were laughing to ourselves and shaking our heads. I definately love it here. Even though last week was a very wierd and hard week we did okay. We contacted people on the street for 8 hours on satuday and not one of them stopped. Street contacting is definately my weakest point. It's just difficult to know what to say to them and I try really hard to make it normal and not awkward. Hahahahaha I'll get used to it. We fasted on sunday and we fasted for 3 solid new investigators this week. Numbers are hard here in England and you really have to find the few who want to know. It is a hard deal trying to find people but I know we will this week. Okay so here is my Address!!!!
Elder Newton Wilson
66 Reams Way
Sittingbourne, KENT
ME10 2DG
I would love some peanut butter! the stuff they have here isn't all that good.
I also was wondering if I could use some money from my account for winter clothes and whatnot
since I only have £145 a month that mainly is saved for food if I can.
anything else is EXTREMELY appreciated

Friday, August 5, 2011

In London Now!

MUM!!!! I'm here and I am safe and sound. Sorry I couldn't email you yesterday it was really really crazy. I got to see Brighton Solomon and we went street contacting for about 10 minutes. I was extremely nervous but it has subsided quite a bit now. We had orientation and It was totally awesome. My mission president is a really cool guy and his wife is really cool too. We got to see the chapel in london and it is really different its stacked on top of itself. And they have a real organ with pipes and all inside the chapel. So we got done and talked to the guys leaving and then we sang Call to Serve as our trainers came in. My trainer is Elder Giusti (juicty) he is really awesome and we headed out to a town outside of Canterbury. Us and our Zone (4 other missionaries) left on the Tube for 20 minutes then got on the Bullet Train which goes about 120 mph which was really fun. It even passed under the Thames river which was pretty cool. We got off and got to the church building where our car was and we piled our luggage in and headed off to drop of the other two elders. First we had some dominoes pizza and then we left and went straight to two appointments. Unfortunately for us they both had to cancel which was sad but we went tracting. It was a little nerve racking the first 4 doors but after that we got into a groove and I started knocking on doors it's still a little scary but not nearly as much. We even got yelled at by one guy, HAHAHA he thought we were selling something and shut the door on us. We continued on till 8:30 then got back to our flat and I started unpacking and we took showers and went to bed. The weather is awesome here. Yesterday it was sunny and about 78 and today it's rainy and about 55. I have a better sense of understanding people but it still sometimes sounds like rubbish really. I worked off 2 hours of sleep yesterday and now I'm working on about 7, Why am I more tired than yesterday, anyways things are awesome.
If you could forward this to Misty and Josie I'd Appreciate it very much.
I'll give you my new address on monday when I have it.
I love you all so so much. I love it here and I know I'll grow to love it even more.
I'm off to teach 4 lessons so I'll talk to all of you later.
Elder Wilson

Packages from Home!

Tour of the Flat/Attic

Driving with the Elders

Driving with the Elders Pt2

Driving with the Elders Pt3

Creepy Laugh