Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27, 2012

Today is my Dad's birthday: Happy Birthday Dad!!
We are doing great here in Bury. We have had a crazy week and this week is going to be twice as crazy. This week we have a baptism and so we have to get everything all sorted out for that. We are super excited and we will enjoy the end of the week. As for right now we are just a little stressed. Training is going well and we are working hard, Elder Jensen is enjoying his mission ( I hope) and good times are rolling here. I can't believe August is almost over and september is right around the bend. In the mission time goes by like it's nothing. 3 months is like a couple of weeks. Weeks fly by so quickly that you do't know what hit you. I was looking for the other email I sent you but for some reason it has dissapeared from last week sorry I can't find it. Very strange indeed. It was just basically how we had a difficult week 2 weeks ago and that knocked us down for a moment but we are okay now. 3 things that have made me laugh this week, When we were at a less actives house we were talking about forgetting to call people and the conversation was interupted by the mom of the home telling her husband that the dog peed all over the floor, there was silence for a second then my companion, assuming we were still on the previous subject states, Yeah I do that all the time. We all looked at him and just busted up laughing. Needless to say I check the flat everynight to make sure he didn't have an accident. Then another bathroom humor story, Our toilet flusher broke right after I used it and It felt like dumb and dumber and I managed to take care of it and we have the landlord out today to fix it. And Finally at zone conference, me and Elder Rogers (is from Gilbert and has been out as long as me) Were quoting movies and we got onto, Chris Farley (I LIVE IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER) As well as Ramses! How are you! The orphans they love you. Your da best! I am super excited to watch some Nacho with Cooper when I get home so we can quote it and have some toast.
Elder Wilson

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13th

Hey Everyone
Training is a very different challenge but this first week has been pretty good so far. We have done a little bit of everything except teach our super solid investigators because for some reason everyone got sick. Bummer. But It will be fun to teach with him this up and coming week. I keep getting flashbacks of last year when I first started out. Man I was a terrible missionary and I was super scared of Finding my first 3 weeks. Now It's an everyday occurance and I just go out and work. I know what to do and I now enjoy doing it. I kinda know what I am doing now and I know how to have success. It's great but now I need to work on helping Elder Jensen Learn and grow and set him up for the rest of his mission. I haven't been too familiar with training and I realize sometimes that he doesn't know certain things that I have taken for granted with other companions like certain phrases refering to the lessons or finding or whatever it may be. But he is doing well and he is getting more comfortable with the work. A great thing that happened to us this past week was we met a lady that I had offer to help her carry her bags last week but she declined nicely. This week she spoke to us and we shared a short message with her on a bench. She felt the spirit and felt so good and she wants to meet with us again. We will see her tomorrow and teach her more about the gospel. It has been super amazing here in Bury. The worst was on Wednesday because we have been teaching this really intelligent lady but she's been a bit sceptical and she never gave us her phone number. We set the appt. But we couldn't get back from london in time from picking up Elder Jensen. Now we just pray that we will find her again. She was a great lady who was looking for the truth. Three Things that amaze me. (1) It hasn't rained in 5 days (2) Squirrels in the park climb up your leg and steal your lunch (3) How many religious people I have met in the past few days. In England it is absolutely unheard of. Haven't spoken to an atheist in a long time. I miss their grim and pessimistic look. These religious people are too happy. ;)
Elder Wilson

Thursday, August 2, 2012

July 30, 2012

Hey Misty and Gang
I did get that Card you sent me. I love it. I remember you swallowing
the squeaker and me being quite distraght. It's okay I forgive you, it
kind of reminds me of Goofy Movie when goofie works at the kids
picture place. (OOOOO GIMME GIMME GIMME) And HE swallows the squeaker.
We'll have to watch that when I get back. HA. THis week has been a
really good week and we have been teaching people left and right. We
have 7 investigators now here in Bury which is a miracle and it has
been amamzing. I need to learn more about how we did that so that I
can do it again and see more amazing miracles. Me and Elder Tobia have
been doing great here teaching people and we have had a lot of good
laughs as well. The olympics have now officially started. I see a
little bit here and there in members homes when we come inside. But I
only have seen about 15 minutes total of it all. That's okay though I
will just watch it when I get home on the internet or if someone has
recorded it. I will give you some of the addresses for the blog as
well to open it up to some friends. Thank you so much. Your are the best!
Elder WIlson

Packages from Home!

Tour of the Flat/Attic

Driving with the Elders

Driving with the Elders Pt2

Driving with the Elders Pt3

Creepy Laugh