Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 12, 2012

Hey Guys,
Yes the flat is all sorted and we are doing very well here in North London. I sent my SD card a while back, about six months ago it is black and its about 6gb. I hope you got it. It had all my pictures from Ilford (My second area) and I am in my 4th area now. Let me know. Thats cool that Kyley and Julie came over. I wonder where they went. I'm not sure If I could see them but I don't know If I would be able to handle it, I would probably get homesick and it would be hard for a week or two. It's okay I have waited this long, I can wait another 8 months. We met a lady who came to church for the first time last week. Her name is Mojgan (she's from Iran) and She wants to learn more about the gospel and about the church. We met her this week to get to know her and find out more about her. She is here in England with her daughter who is studying. We can't teach her unless she is seeking residence outside of her country because it would be dangerous for her to know the truth and be baptised because of the anti christian feelings there. So we asked her where she plans on going after England and she said america. We asked her where and she said Utah. We were astonished and asked why, she said she has family there (we later found out one of her in laws is a member) and She said there is a big church a really big building she wants to go to. We explained that it is the temple and taught her. We then taught her about modern day prophets. She was so amazed at a modern day prophet and she was so excited and just wanted to learn more. She is a great lady and I hope we can teach her and help her gain a testimony. I just hope that we can explain to her about her country situation and what would happen. We will speak to her about it tomorrow and explain. But the work here is going very well. It is so great to know how amazing the gospel is, remember as you share it think about it, we actually have a prophet of god on earth today and we actually have the original church of Jesus Christ on the earth today as well. We don't really know what we have, until we share it with someone else. Keep being amazing.
With Love
Elder Wilson

P.S. Mock....Yeah..Bird....YEah

November 5 2012

Hello Everyone
Yes things are going better for me here in London. This first week has been a tough one. I got to the flat with Elder Zwane my new companion from South Africa on Monday. He is a great guy and a very hard worker. He has been out for 3 months and just finished his training with his companion. Who just finished and went home. So when I got to the flat it was really dirty and untidy, I don't think Elder Zwanes companion liked to clean up after himself. Anyway we didn't have money until Wednesday and I had no hygiene or anything. They didn't plan for the week and we had a few appointments but for the most part Poor Elder Zwane wasn't sure what to do or where to go because his companion was tired of finding and they didn't do much the past month. Then our heater broke and it was cold in the flat and I was a bit stressed with all the things we had to do. I didn't know anybody or anywhere and so it was a tough first 3 days. Now we have fixed the heater, bought cleaning supplies, threw out junk and vacuumed mopped and scrubbed the bathrooms kitchen and living room area. This is the largest flat that I have been to in my mission and the most untidy. But now we have taken care of it and we both know the area better and are making progress with what we are doing and where we need to go for certain things. Tough week but me and Elder Zwane really get along great and we are both excited for this next 6 weeks. He is a great missionary and I am excited to be here with him. We have had so many laughs already, I will send you pictures and videos and whatnot soon. Today we are going to visit Camden Town. Lots of interesting people and music. So that will be cool and then we will visit inner london a couple more times this month as well, I will tell of my adventures there later. Well Time is running a bit short and I got to write to everyone else. Hope you have a fantastic week.
Elder Wilson

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 18, 2012

Hey Mom and Rick
Thanks for the update on everything. Thanks for getting me my liscense
pretty soon I will have a British one too. That was if I get pulled
over I just put on an accent give them that liscense and say I'm sorry
I'm a foreigner. That'll work right? I miss my Blu dog! I see dogs
all over and everyone says dogs hate you but I have had the great
experience with dogs and I have just missed my own. So today we had
moves calls and I am staying in Bury with my Greenie so I am glad and
that I will get to stay for at least one more transfer here in Bury.
But I gotta get out soon I am getting fat here. They feed us so much
and its such great food I am never hungry in Bury. Weather here has
been warm and dry and not a whole lot happening. that's okay though I
don't have a problem with it because soon it will become cold and
really wet. I only have to endure it one more time at least right. I
will make sure to bundle up and layer up. It's the only way to stay
warm here. That wet cold cuts you like a knife. I have learned alot
about being a district leader and helping out the other missionaries
in my district. it has been a good experience and I am glad I will
stay for a little while longer. After october 31 who knows where I'll
be. But I have really enjoyed these past 4 and a half months and I
just got to make the best of this last bury transfer. I love you guys
and I hope to hear from you soon
Elder Wilson

Hey Misty and Everyone
No problem I do like studying now that I have been on my mission.
there's so much there to learn about it is really enjoyable to learn
and to learn how to teach. I have had a great time learning all the
things that I have. It has been such a great experience the past 14
months. Yes I am a district leader which means I am in charge of a
district ( In this case 2 wards and 3 sets of missionaries) And I do
things like hold a district meeting each week where there are
trainings to help us become better missionaries and I call in on
wednesdays fridays and sundays to get the weekly reports on how they
are doing as well as how the work is going. I also meet with the rest
of the District leaders and the Zone leaders (Zone leaders are who we
report to and they report to president) for DLC which is a meeting
where we set goals and make plans to motivate and help our Zone
improve work and spirituality. It is a bit stressful but Zone leaders
have it much worse than I. I love going to church, because
when I finish I feel fed and I am ready for the week. Especially
during Sacrament meeting when we take the sacrament. That helps me out
so much and I don't know what I would do without it. It is so
important for me and it makes my week that much better. All the effort you put
in will pay off it just takes a long long time. Well I must email mom
and run, I am staying in Bury for another 6 weeks. I am super glad and
it will probably be my last time staying in Bury so I gotta make the
best of it. I hope you are doing well and you don't have too much on
your hands. I love you guys
Elder Wilson

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012

Hey Everybody,
This week has been a bland week. Just working and not a whole lot happening. That's okay though no big deal. Weather has been really warm here lately and we havent had alot of rain in a long while. That proably means that we are overdue for some. We have had to start up our teaching pool again. It started to shrink again but what can you do. We are enjoying the time that we have here in Bury. Next week is transfers so hold on to anything until I say otherwise because I very well could leave. I hope not but you never know. I totally ripped my jeans doing service the other day and so I might need to get a new pair from you guys sooner or later. Misty if you have an I phone or I pad get the Gospel Library App and get Preach My Gospel and the Gospel Principles manual and it will help you to explain doctrine really simply. That is what we study and it's great to have that basis for teaching and understanding the gospel. It was like an Eye opener for me. I always knew it all it just didn't connect the way it does now. It just all of a sudden began to make sense. It was really amazing and teaching became a breeze. This week I learned about working hard is only hard the first 15 minutes then it just gets easy. The Most important time of day is the first few hours of the day it really gets you into the mode of getting things done that day. If you have a lazy morning chances are your day is going to be lazy. And heavenly father won't bring the elect to you unless you have a better morning or day. It's like earning referalls from heavenly Father. I also learned about how many people are prepared that are around the members. We have been asking the members for people to teach and each person has at least 2 or 3 people that are prepared if they are good missionaries. If they aren't you have to build their faith up and help them to believe and then they will see. It has been super fantastic and we have 2 new families in the ward. One of them is actually from Tuscon. Funny because we all have a Bash on Tuscon when we talk about it. Too hot to dry too brown. HAHA But isn't that most of Arizona. Well I must let my companion hop on this computer so I will talk to you next week on Tuesday.
Elder Wilson

P.S. You give them permission to do dis to me. I look Hideous
Eskeleto (Nacho)

Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27, 2012

Today is my Dad's birthday: Happy Birthday Dad!!
We are doing great here in Bury. We have had a crazy week and this week is going to be twice as crazy. This week we have a baptism and so we have to get everything all sorted out for that. We are super excited and we will enjoy the end of the week. As for right now we are just a little stressed. Training is going well and we are working hard, Elder Jensen is enjoying his mission ( I hope) and good times are rolling here. I can't believe August is almost over and september is right around the bend. In the mission time goes by like it's nothing. 3 months is like a couple of weeks. Weeks fly by so quickly that you do't know what hit you. I was looking for the other email I sent you but for some reason it has dissapeared from last week sorry I can't find it. Very strange indeed. It was just basically how we had a difficult week 2 weeks ago and that knocked us down for a moment but we are okay now. 3 things that have made me laugh this week, When we were at a less actives house we were talking about forgetting to call people and the conversation was interupted by the mom of the home telling her husband that the dog peed all over the floor, there was silence for a second then my companion, assuming we were still on the previous subject states, Yeah I do that all the time. We all looked at him and just busted up laughing. Needless to say I check the flat everynight to make sure he didn't have an accident. Then another bathroom humor story, Our toilet flusher broke right after I used it and It felt like dumb and dumber and I managed to take care of it and we have the landlord out today to fix it. And Finally at zone conference, me and Elder Rogers (is from Gilbert and has been out as long as me) Were quoting movies and we got onto, Chris Farley (I LIVE IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER) As well as Ramses! How are you! The orphans they love you. Your da best! I am super excited to watch some Nacho with Cooper when I get home so we can quote it and have some toast.
Elder Wilson

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13th

Hey Everyone
Training is a very different challenge but this first week has been pretty good so far. We have done a little bit of everything except teach our super solid investigators because for some reason everyone got sick. Bummer. But It will be fun to teach with him this up and coming week. I keep getting flashbacks of last year when I first started out. Man I was a terrible missionary and I was super scared of Finding my first 3 weeks. Now It's an everyday occurance and I just go out and work. I know what to do and I now enjoy doing it. I kinda know what I am doing now and I know how to have success. It's great but now I need to work on helping Elder Jensen Learn and grow and set him up for the rest of his mission. I haven't been too familiar with training and I realize sometimes that he doesn't know certain things that I have taken for granted with other companions like certain phrases refering to the lessons or finding or whatever it may be. But he is doing well and he is getting more comfortable with the work. A great thing that happened to us this past week was we met a lady that I had offer to help her carry her bags last week but she declined nicely. This week she spoke to us and we shared a short message with her on a bench. She felt the spirit and felt so good and she wants to meet with us again. We will see her tomorrow and teach her more about the gospel. It has been super amazing here in Bury. The worst was on Wednesday because we have been teaching this really intelligent lady but she's been a bit sceptical and she never gave us her phone number. We set the appt. But we couldn't get back from london in time from picking up Elder Jensen. Now we just pray that we will find her again. She was a great lady who was looking for the truth. Three Things that amaze me. (1) It hasn't rained in 5 days (2) Squirrels in the park climb up your leg and steal your lunch (3) How many religious people I have met in the past few days. In England it is absolutely unheard of. Haven't spoken to an atheist in a long time. I miss their grim and pessimistic look. These religious people are too happy. ;)
Elder Wilson

Thursday, August 2, 2012

July 30, 2012

Hey Misty and Gang
I did get that Card you sent me. I love it. I remember you swallowing
the squeaker and me being quite distraght. It's okay I forgive you, it
kind of reminds me of Goofy Movie when goofie works at the kids
picture place. (OOOOO GIMME GIMME GIMME) And HE swallows the squeaker.
We'll have to watch that when I get back. HA. THis week has been a
really good week and we have been teaching people left and right. We
have 7 investigators now here in Bury which is a miracle and it has
been amamzing. I need to learn more about how we did that so that I
can do it again and see more amazing miracles. Me and Elder Tobia have
been doing great here teaching people and we have had a lot of good
laughs as well. The olympics have now officially started. I see a
little bit here and there in members homes when we come inside. But I
only have seen about 15 minutes total of it all. That's okay though I
will just watch it when I get home on the internet or if someone has
recorded it. I will give you some of the addresses for the blog as
well to open it up to some friends. Thank you so much. Your are the best!
Elder WIlson

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 15, 2012

Hey Misty. Sounds Like you had a great time in San Diego. Hahaha I love how
people get all upset about stuff like that. I would like some weather like
that right now. This weather is crazy one day its 80 with sun and the next
day its 50 with wind and rain. Most of the time its cool and rainy. Summer
hasn't even established itself. It's quite a strange season here in england.
What can you do though right. Oh well. we have had a really great week here
in Bury. We have seen a lot of miracles and enjoyed the blessings of heaven.
We have been diligent and we have seen wonderful things happen. we have been
finding more people and just loving the time we have had when finding
people. We found 12 potential investigators as well as a new investigator
named Kamilla from Czech Republic. She has been studying the book of mormon
for about three months now and she is super prepared for the gospel. We are
going to have so much fun teaching her and I can't wait to see what more
miracles lie in wait for us. It's funny because it all comes down to our
faith and what our faith causes us to do. From our faith comes desires and
actions. If we work with all our Heart Might Mind and Strength we will see
the blessings of heaven. I am super excited for what the future has in
store. Some of my friends have tried to get on the Blog but for some reason
it's on Private. The Calls let me know about it, not sure if you know how to
fix it but I thought I would let you know. Thank you all for the Birthday
letters and cards. It really makes my day to read them and enjoy them and
the memories in them. Hope your week goes well
LoveElder Wilson

Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 18th 2012

Guess who is driving on the Road. THIS GUY! Yes I can drive a manual
now and I have been on the road for a week now. I have to take the
theory and practical test for my British Drivers liscense but that's
okay it shouldn't be too difficult. Its a 45 driving test and I have
to perform a maneuver (3 point turn, parallel park, or turn in the
road) as well as follow all rules as perfectly as possible. I have to
get it done before August. Wish me luck (I'll need some prayers) There
is only one week left in this transfer (wow it went by quick) I will
be staying in Bury at least 85 percent sure. Elder Mahendrin will be
moving I'm sure. I might be district leader or train or both. I hope
not both, that's a lot of first time responsibility on my shoulders.
Well whatever stretches you makes you stronger. So I have a spiritual
story for you this week. For the past 2 weeks me and Elder Mahendrin
have run into this Napalese lady and just said hello to her as we
passed. It became quite funny actually. Today we walked into the
library and saw her and she asked us to stay while she finished her
phonecall. We started to talk just casually and then she started
telling us about a problem she has been having with her Auntie who is
very old and ill. I asked her if she knew why we walked around in
white shirts ties and namebadges all the time. She had no clue. I
explained how we help people to have hope and have a good outlook on
life through the Gospel. She agreed to meet with us tomorrow so we
could share more with her. It was great because I have begun to
understand "teaching people not lessons" on a whole new level. How
sharing the gospel to somebody in a way that is pertinent (I think
thats the right word) to them. I know that what I am doing is changing
lives and has a lasting good effect on people that I meet. I love
being out here and I am now getting into the swing of things in the
mission. Good thing I have a year left to learn. I have had a couple
of new doors open for me and learning. I hope the learning
opportunities continue to appear and help me to grow. I love you all
so much and I want you all to know that I am doing great here. Nothing
would make me happier.
Elder Wilson

Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 28th

Hello everyone!
It has started to finally warm up here in England and it's about time.
I got sick as well because of the drastic change in weather. But we
have been working hard nonetheless. Here in Bury we are starting fresh
and really trying to work hard and find new people. We are working
with some less actives as well. I have had a real Eye opener because
of it as well. there are two basic principles of a testimony that if
you do not have them nothing else is more important that obtaining a
knowledge of these two things.
1. A belief in God, who he is and his character, and that he Answers prayers
2. A knowledge that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.
If you have these two things then everything else falls into place.
You know the Bible is the word of God because they Both teach the same thing.
You know that Jesus Christ is your Savior and Redeemer and that by his
Grace you can Return and Live with God.
You know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and that this Church is true.
I have seen the effects of people who never gained a testimony of
these things but just went through church life and the temple and
sooner or later they begin to live the gospel because they don't want
to let other people down and sooner or later it all falls apart and I
have seen people who then completly turn away from belief and take
their name of the records. It is really sad because they went through
the temple and all the blessings of the gospel were theirs. But
without that strong foundation it became doubts and fears and then
relying on their own knowledge of the world and science and complete
disbelief that God is there or that there is life after death.
Strengthen your testimonies through prayer and relying on God. He will
halp you to know or remember that he is there and he loves you and
that the Book of Mormon and the Bible are the word of God. Nothing
else will matter untill you strengthen your testimony of those things.
Sorry for the sermon. I am doing very well and I love the people here
in Bury. They are all so nice and friendly. Much much more than
London. They say the further North you go the friendlier the people
get. I don't mind that at all and I am enjoying it.
Elder Wilson

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22, 2012

Hey Misty and Everybody
I have my new address:
16 Durham Close
Bury St. Edmunds
Suffolk IP32 6TH
So I am doing really well here with E. Mahendran, he is from Germany
but his family is originally Sri Lankan (Southern Island off of India)
and he is really good. Now I am Senior companion which is a bit
stressful but I am doing well and not stressing out too much. I will
send you the SD card this week so you will have pictures and videos of
Ilford and the last bit of G2 (sorry it's taken so long). We are only
teaching one person right now so we are starting fresh and doing a lot
of finding (nothing new there) but Bury is a really nice place. It's
full of such nice people and very few are rude they are very kind even
when they aren't interested. I am working hard and doing everything I
can to be a good missionary. The weather has been a bit cold but today
is warm and it should be warming up for the rest of the week. I don't
have too much time today but I will email you next week and let you
know some of the things happening here and Inform you a little bit
more. This is my Year transfer and I cannot believe it has been a year
already and it is supposed to go faster these next months, I got to do
as much as I can while there is still time. Keep me posted on
everything that is going on with you guys.
Love you all
Elder Wilson

A Note from Newt's Mom:
He has only been there less than a week but says he is already having some amazing experiences.
He is close to the US Military base so the members there feed them really well and give them American food they don't usually get. So he's pretty excited about his new area.
He also says he needs new running shoes...he's gaining weight. Imagine Newt gaining weight?
I'm sure he would appreciate cards or letters.

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012

I can't wait to talk to you guys in 2 weeks (Mother's Day) I am super excited. Everything here is going really well. We are working hard and seeing so much success. We go all day long teaching and finding. I get home at night and I just plop onto my bed and pass out. HAha If I sit still for too long I'm out like a light during the day. ( Kinda Like mom) we have been having cold rainy April over here. The past week and a half it has rained everyday. Where does it all come from? It never ends and it is always wet. I do enjoy it but I think the biggest thing I miss is the feeling of the rain coming in Arizona and the smell of the rain. you don't get that too much over here. Its just always wet. What can you do but deal with it. Other than that not much else has happened. I am doing really well and can't wait to talk to you all soon. Tell Riley I say hello and I miss him. Even though he's the Devil. HahAHA Love Elder Wilson

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 16, 2012

Hey Misty and Everyone
I am having such a great time with E. Giboin. He's almost finished with his mission so he really knows what he's doing. He is teaching me so much and its like a second training for me. We are working so hard, everytime we get back to the flat I do everything I can to get ready for bed quickly and then hop in because I am so exhausted. We are doing really well in ilford and we are having alot of success. We just got done playing football (soccer) with the rest of the zone and my feet are really sore and I know I will be walking gingerly tomorrow. I can't believe all that I have been through and I can't believe I have been gone for nine months. It feels like yesterday and at the same time it feels like an eternity ago. So much has happened and I have had so many experiences. I am trying my best to write in my journal as much as possible so that I can remeber all the wonderful people and experiences I have had. Keep me posted on how you all are doing I haven't heard from a lot of my friends lately and you all better write me if your reading this. I will try to do better as well and respond to everything I get.

I love you all

Elder Wilson

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter

We had a great week this week and it is the end of the transfer. E. Murri is going to southend on sea and I am staying here in Ilford Yaay! I am getting the former Assistant to the President, E. Giboin (He's Scottish). I am super excitied and I am going to learn so much here in these next few weeks. and within these next 5 weeks I get to call you guys. FOR MOTHERS DAY. It feels like yesterday it was christmas, I can't believe when I call you I will be 2 days away from my 10 month mark. This experience goes by way too fast. But I am enjoying it and I am super excited. Easter was really great. We had an impromptu dinner at an american family's home. They were so nice to feed us. They have 4 little kids and it's so funny to see that 3 were born in the U.S. and have american accents but the youngest one was born here and she sounds english. So funny to hear her talk even though she's only 5. She says Mummy and other little english words. We had another baptism this past week. Vijay Sehgal. He is also from Punjab where Sham was from. We have been teaching and baptising alot of people who are from India and Pakistan. In the past 3 years we have baptised around 15 people from the middle east. This will probably be my last transfer here in Ilford so when it nears mothers day don't send me too much letters or anything because I might be moving. I hope you all are doing well keep me posted and send me an email whenever you can and let me know how everything is over in the U.S.
Love you all!
Elder Wilson

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 5, 2012

Hey Misty,
Happy Birthday and I hope it was a great one for you. Welcome to your 3rd Decade. :) Its okay you still look in your twenties. How was the Hunger Games, I read that book before I came out and I enjoyed it, the 3rd one however was a very mixed feelings ending for me. But I hope the movie was good. We watched conference and I really enjoy priesthood session. It was amazing and I know for me alot of it made me think of the Amazing Sealing power of the temple, I loved conference and I really enjoyed all the talks I got to hear.
This weeks analogy of missionary work comes from Elder Carder from Wales. He is serving in Romford with my district leader and this is his second transfer in the mission. He drew his testimony for us. It is two men with top hats, one has a duck on top of his head. His friend says why do you have a duck on your head, and he can't help but stare at this duck. the man with the duck says I have a duck on my head? and the other says yes. So the duck man says would you like a duck on your head. and his friend says Why would I want a duck on my head. This symbolizes our testimony. We feed and feed this duck (testimony) and It gets bigger and bigger and people without a duck, notice this wierd thing and can't help but stare at you. People always always stare at us. It is a little unerving sometimes but they look at you like you have this freaking duck on your head. During district meeting Elder carder told us about this analogy and we couldn't help but laugh profusely. But yes If you want to know what a missionary feels like put a giant live duck on your head and walk in public, you get the same response. We still get it even when we are in normal cloths which is just strange. Anyways Keep your duck fed.
Elder Wilson

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 12, 2012

Hey Misty I hope you are feeling better now. How Is everything at
home. How are your scroungy kids and husband. I hope you are doing
well and they are helping you out.
I have been doing great out here. I can't believe that it has been
almost 8 and a half months since I left. It feels like yesterday that
I had left for the Missionary training center. The work is great out
here. We are constantly busy with all of the things we have to do each
day. Ilford is a very very busy place. We are teaching a few people
(5) and we are doing well and our investigators are progressing. Some
faster than others but you can't force it. I am learning so much out
here and I really want to try and continue and do my best. Time is
going by so fast. I am almost at the point where my trainer was when
he trained me. I can't believe that this time goes by so fast. Not
much is new out here, we have had ups and downs. I have learned this
week to not base my mood or emotions on the people I am teaching. It's
like when you're in a relationship and you base your mood on what your
boyfriend or girlfriend is doing. If they do something for you like
write a note or txt or something you are on cloud nine. But if a
situation doesn't go the way you want it then you are down in the
dumps. It's the same with investigators. When they progress in some
way you are so happy but when they hose your appointment then you are
down in the dumps. I have really been trying to get out of that rut
and just be happy all of the time and focus on other things. I am
enjoying myself and I am happy, I hope you all are doing well and I
will love to talk to you on May 13. For me thats right around the
Love you all
Elder Wilson

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 28, 2012

Hello Everyone
This past week has been such a strange week. At first we had P-day, then we had Zone Conference which was such an awesome experience. I learned so much and it basically summed up what I have learned this past transfer about finding people. They talked alot about the spirit and following the promptings that it gives us. I have really needed to work on listening and acting on certaing promptings. I also learned about having the right attitude about finding. Which isn't always easy, finding is one of the hardest things you do on your mission. And this mission is 60% finding. Our goal is to have 20 lessons a week and 20 hours of finding whether it be by tracting or Street finding or bus finding. We try and talk to everyone which is fun sometimes but alot of the time it can be difficult if not annoying. This past week I was given a Qur'ran by one of our potential investigators. (We traded books) And one of our members showed us some crazy scriptures in the book. It talks about Abraham and his father (POGP) and a few other things mainstream christianity didn't have. It shows us that mohammed was an inspired man for his time and that he knew a lot. It is really great to talk to other religions, most of the people in Ilford are from the middle east and most of our investigators are either Pakistani, Indian or African. It is so much fun to meet so many different kinds of people. They are so wonderful and are such funny people as well. Me and E. Murri have a good friend that we call KaKa (His last name is Kakakaehl) he is a recent convert from pakistan and he is here in the country for schooling. He doesn't have any cloths for church that he can wear so E. Murri gave him an extra pair of trousers and I called up G2 for the old Suit coat that I remember being in there and have them bring it to zone conference. We gave them to kaka along with an extra white shirt and tie and he came to church looking quite dapper. I was so happy to have some nice cloths now. It is very hard for alot of these people to buy anything, jobs are very few and far between here in England. It is very very tough to get an income so alot of people are struggling. It's so nice to help people where you can and to be their friend and they can be apart of a ward family. I really want to hear from you all very soon and I hope that you are all enjoying your springtime and that you are doing well.
Elder Wilson

Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20, 2012

This past week was great. We had my first baptism. His name is Ghansham (Sham) and he is from Punjab India. He is a great guy and he started reading the Book of mormon a month ago and he is already in Alma. He loves the book of mormon and is such an awesome guy. He is very quiet and sort of does his own thing but he loves church and he loves to learn about the gospel. We are really busy here in Ilford and this transfer has flown by. It ends February 29 and I might leave. I hope not because I love it here and I want to stay a few more transfers. We have done so much but there is so much more to do. We are finding more people and we are being blessed with a lot of success. I hope to hear from you all soon and I have sent a lot of letters out this week so hopefully alot of you will get one in a week or so. Zone conference is tomorrow and I am so excited. I love zone conference because we learn so much from our leaders and we get to see all our missionary friends. Which I am really looking forward to.
I love you all and would love to hear from you. If you want to hear about something particular here in England send me an email and I will write you a letter.
Keep strong and carry on.
Elder Wilson

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6, 2012

Hello Everybody,
I can't believe it has been three weeks already that I have been in Ilford. It seems like yesterday that I got here. Me and E. Murri have so much fun everyday and we enjoy working hard and learning. I haven't had good companionship study yet with any of my other companions until E. Murri. We both love talking about the amazing things we had learned that morning and study about some really great things. I hope we get to stay here in Ilford for one more transfer. It is so much fun to be here and to have so many amazing people to teach. We potentially have 3 baptisms this month. Which is amazing and they will be my first 3. I am quite excited for my friends. They are so awesome, they love church and they love learning from the scriptures. I really enjoy this area it has such great people. About 80% of the people here are from the middle east and Asia. We are teaching 3 people from India, 2 from Pakistan, and 1 from Afghanistan. They are great and they have come from humbling circumstances. We are also teaching a man from Germany, and a man from Romania. Who are also great and are extremly intelligent. They have come to the gospel knowledge of truths before we even shared it with them. Peter our friend from Germany understood Adam and Eve and the Reason the Fall was necessary before we even taught it to him. It was really great to see how he came to these answeres. I am enjoying myself here. Two nights ago it started to snow for the first time in London this year. We woke up to about 4 inches. How exciting. England shuts down at about 5 or 6 inches because they aren't prepared for it. Just 4 inches and roads where shut down and buses were closed for a while. Its funny to see it all go downhill so fast. But we enjoy ourselves and have alot of fun.
I hope you guys are doing well and I would love to hear from you all.
Love Elder Wilson

Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30, 2012

Hello Everyone
We have gotten into the full swing of things here in Ilford. Its a busy busy area. We go all day long non stop and until night time. I am so tired and exhausted all the time. But it's better than being discouraged. The area is great and teaching and finding are enjoyable. Sometimes we get some crazies out here but you learn to spot them before you stop them. We have had a great time me and Elder Murri, we are just working hard and trying to do our best. We have alot of interesting investigators, we are in east London which is the poor district. There are alot of Arabic people. The call ilford, Little Pakistan, They are very nice people and some are open to the gospel and learning. Some are Islamic and they're nice too. Sometimes you get the bashy or slightly hostile ones but they aren't a problem we just agree with them and say see ya. We are enjoying ourselves. I've discovered something so delicious it can only come from the gods. Instant mashed potatoes and Canned Chili. Soo good. We had it for lunch yesterday and we get a good fill from such a delicious delicacy. I will try and write you guys letters I am sorry I haven't yet. We have been extremely busy. I will try and write and send you letters today on P-day. This place is great and work is abundant. Love you all
Elder Wilson

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 23, 2012

Hello everyone!
I have moved to Ilford which is in Eastern London area. Right next to the Olympic stadium!
It can be seen from my flat which is so so cool. So my new address is
Elder Newton Wilson
138 Tomswood Hill
Flat 6
Barkingside, Ilford
Please mail me or give me a shout. I would love to hear from you all. I've been out for a while there's gotta be something new for all of you. Keep me posted on your guys' adventures.
So Ilford is amazing and we have had so much awesome things to do. The missionary work is booming and we have 10 people we are teaching that are good solid investigators and we have been so busy its crazy beyond all belief. Our days are 100mph all the time and before you know it the day is done. we have about 4 appointments each day which is great so we keep busy and enjoy the work. I am so thankful to be here and I hope I stay for at least 4 and a half months. I hope you all are well and I would love to talk to you guys.
Love Elder Wilson

Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 17, 2012

Hey Misty
We have had quite an adventure this week.
Me and Elder Affleck were on a workover in Gillingham II last week and we were on our way back to his area to meet up again with our
companions and he gets a call while we are on the Train. Its his companion E. Doyle. E. Doyle has been depressed for a long time and has done no missionary work in the past couple months. President still wants to keep him out here because he doesn't want to send him home. He
doesn't want missionaries to go home and be miserable and regret the rest of their life so he tries everything he can to keep them out. So we get a call from E. Doyle and he says "I'm leaving". Its about 9 at night when he calls. Since he lives in Lester England he can just train home. So he trains home and never came back. We called president and everything and I've been in a trio for this week and we control 2 areas. Its been quite fun and we have got alot of work started in Gravesend which is E. Afflecks area. So we've been busy busy.
I am now finally leaving my first area. I thought I would go back in November but I have stayed for 6 months and it has been great. I am now heading to Ilford which is in Essex (East of London) and it is going to be so great. I don't have the address just yet but I go there tomorrow and then I will email it to you on monday next week. I am so excited especially cause I can now have a P-Day in London which is going to be super fun. I will keep you posted on everything that goes on here in England and I am so excited to go to a new area tomorrow.
Well I must be off and finish packing and saying goodbye to people.
I love you all
Elder Wilson

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hey guys,
It was so great to talk to all of you on Christmas day. It was so great to see you too, and how much you all have grown in just the past six months. Wow can you believe that it's been that long. I sure can't, out here when you are working hard and doing your best and going through your day to day. A week feels like a day. And a transfer (6 weeks) Feels like a week. I will most likely be moving January 18 to a new area, I have been here for 6 months and I am sure that president patch is going to move me. Which means that now the Greenie phase is over and the responsibility will increase as a missionary. I have to work super hard to be the best that I can be and I have set goals this year that I wish to achieve as a Person and a Missionary. This is so exciting to have a new year to be able to accomplish so much. I want to be able to say that this is a life changing year for me and I want to do all that I can in this short amount of time to work extremely hard and become better at literally everything. (Especially my hand writing) I hope that you are all doing well and I would love to hear from you guys frequently to see how you are doing. And Most importantly I want you to make a year plan. This year what are you going to be better at and what skills and abilities do you want to develope and improve? How are you going to accomplish these goals? Be specific in your plans and then pray each night for Heavenly Fathers help and remember to be specific. (Specific Prayers equal specific Blessings) Please do this for me and I know if you follow through with your plans you will see the blessings and abilities you begin to recieve and develop. I love you all and I wish you a happy new year.
Elder WIlson

Packages from Home!

Tour of the Flat/Attic

Driving with the Elders

Driving with the Elders Pt2

Driving with the Elders Pt3

Creepy Laugh